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External Lightning Protection System (Advance And Active La Based On E.S.E Principle)

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VNT provides complete range of ONAY PARATONER based advance Lightning Arreters which are used to protect infrastructure against direct lightning strikes.Active Lightning arresters are based on Early Streamer Emission (ESE) principle and sends upward streamer of charges just before the lightning strikes hence attract it and safely provide it to ground / Earth.


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Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
A. C Distribution Box, Addressable Fire Detection System, Array Junction Box And Combiner Box, Auto Mains Failure Panel, Conventional Fire Detection System, External Lightning Protection System (Advance And Active La Based On E. S. E Principle), External Lightning Protection System (Conventional And Franklin R. O. D), Fire Detection System, Free Cooling Unit, Infra Monitoring System, L. T Metering Panel, Maintanence Free Earthing, Power Management Unit, Products, Safety Equipments, String Combiner Box With Monitoring, Vesda Fire Detection Systems